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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Urban Tattoo Gallery - Don't Settle For Less Get Instant Access to a Reputable Urban Tattoo Gallery

Urban Tattoo GalleryTattoos are worn as a way to express your self to others. The tattoo's size, shape, style, color and placement are all things that you have to work with in your attempt to express your unique identity. All these factors are dependent on one another, so if you change one, it often means that you have to change at least another as well...often giving your tattoo a completely different meaning and feel.
Choosing your tattoo design is not something that should be taken lightly, as the tattoo itself is going to last much longer than the spur-of-the-moment decision when selecting it! You do not want to regret your decision a few months, or even years down the line! So your first step is to go and think about why you want a tattoo. What are the feelings that you want it to convey? Do you want it to quietly represent a certain aspect of your personality, or do you want it to scream a loud message to all? Do your lifestyle choices limit your placement options? What will your tattoo look like from a distance? Or what will it look like at first glance?
Urban Tattoo GalleryWhat ever your reason, an Urban Tattoo may be the perfect design to choose to represent the "unique you". Most experts agree that the best tattoos are those that use the contour of your body to add to the effect of the design, so keep this in mind when choosing your Urban Tattoo design. You do not want it to look distorted when you move in a certain way.
So where do you find that perfect design? You could easily opt for one of the so called "Flash" designs wildly found in one of your local tattoo parlors. The problem with these designs is that they are by no means unique...this could be a problem considering you want your tattoo to represent the unique you! And even if you did find one that was mildly editable by the artist, when choosing one of these designs in the tattoo parlor you can not do so completely on your own time, you tend to feel rushed into making a decision - After all, no one wants to go and bother our local tattoo artist for hours on end while "browsing" through his designs!
Urban Tattoo GallerySo what's the answer then? Get access to a specialized online Urban Tattoo Gallery. A Quality online gallery will give you access to some of the worlds best award-winning urban tattoo designs. You will by no means be limited to the ready-made designs of your local artist. And you will have access to international award winning artists' work - something you will most definitely not get in your local tattoo studio. And best of all, once you have access to the gallery, you can browse in the comfort of your own home, completely on your own time. So if you want to find that perfect Urban Tattoo design, get access to a reputable online gallery. Take your time to find the perfect design. Print it off onto tattoo paper and drop by your local tattoo parlor.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Female Tattoo Gallery - Popular Tattoos Women Want

Female Tattoo Gallery - Popular Tattoos Women WantNowadays, tattoos are no just for bikers who want to show how much pain they can endure. Tattoos have moved into mainstream culture where anyone with an appreciation for beauty and art can have one.
The greatest growth by far in the tattoo culture is that of women. Tattoo artists report that the majority of there clients are women. Added to that, women are better able to deal with the process of applying the tattoo than men!
Choosing a design and placement for the tattoo is extremely important for women. More time is taken when choosing and adapting the designs to give more meaning.
Although women are choosing larger and bolder designs than before, the emphasis is always on sophistication. This gives an aurora of "mystique" and a hint of "badness", instead of "rough and ready".
Two areas are generally favoured spots for tattoos.
Female Tattoo Gallery - Popular Tattoos Women WantLower back and tail bone Tattoos The lower back area is a sensual spot to have a tattoo. It gives the appearance of being accidentally 'flashed' instead of always visible. This is extremely tantalizing to the viewer as forbidden fruit usually is.
The designs for this area are usually V-Shaped to accentuate and flatter the hourglass shape of the female form.
Favored designs include; Angels, Butterflies, lions, insect wings, hearts, celtic crosses, serpents, dragons, Lotus and other flowers.
These designs are decorated with wings and tendrils to create balance and beauty.
Meanings of designs The lotus flower: Beautiful design for the lower back. Represents the past, present and future.
Other flowers: Represents femininity and fertility.
Animals: Represents fertility and vitality.
Dragons and serpents: Symbolize Trouble!
Eagle: Represents courage and determination to becoming more than what you are.
Foot and ankle Tattoos Foot and ankle tattoos are symbols of simplicity and purity. These are preferred by many professional and career women as they are not overbearing and are very personal.
Popular designs include; flowers and roses, frogs, eagle heads, necklaces, rosaries and crosses.
Female Tattoo Gallery - Popular Tattoos Women Want

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hot Tattoo Lettering Designs and Ideas For Cool Word Tattoo Designs

It seems like one of the most popular trends in tattooing these days are literary or word tattoo designs. People both men and women are getting written tattoos now more than ever before. However, there are many different styles to choose from and a lot of different options so before you run out and get your tattoo lettering design you should think about how you want the font to look and what you want to write.
The History of Word Tattoo Designs
You see written words have been a part of tattoos for a long time. However, it wasn't until recently that the words became the tattoo itself. It used to be that the words were used to embellish and enhance the tattoo design. For example an anchor tattoo might have the words "home sweet home" written under it. Another example might be the classic heart tattoo with the letters mom written under it. You get the idea here lettering used to be an extra piece to add on. However, these days tattoo lettering and literary tattoos have taken the main stage and they are no longer part of the embellishment but they are part of the tattoo itself.
Different Font Styles
There are many different styles of fonts and new fonts being created every day. The possibilities are unlimited and you can even custom design or have a custom designed font created for your tattoo if you want. However, some of the most common fonts that are used in tattoos are below. These are broad categories and there obviously are many more options within each category.
Celtic - A beautiful lettering font for tattoo designs. The Celtic's were the first to create illuminated manuscripts of the Bible and therefore had perfected the art of calligraphy. There are a few different styles that can fall under the Celtic look. These can include everything from the ornate illuminated capital letters to a simple uncials font. There are so many options and if you are getting a quote or saying that is Irish, Celtic or European you might want to consider a Celtic font.
Gothic - Gothic of course came from the calligraphers that were writing the Bible during the Gothic era. Gothic letters are often very ornate with lots of embellishments. This has been used heavily in gangster tattoos but can also be used in any kind of tattoo letter design. There are a wide variety of different gothic fonts everything from really heavy black lines to much lighter and flowing lines. Gothic fonts can often look great as a literary tattoo.
Calligraphy - Calligraphy of course is a very general terms and can actually be applied to any of the above letter styles also as they are all calligraphy. In reality calligraphy is any type of fancy writing. However over the history of calligraphy most people have come to associate the certain fonts with what is called calligraphy. These are always written with a calligraphic pen and have the distinct look and feel. They pen his a wedge at a 45 degree angle creating bold down strokes and thin diagonal strokes. Again there are many different types and styles of calligraphy and they can make the font or the tattoo look very different so you should carefully consider the options.

Devil Butterfly Tattoo

Back Woman Butterfly Tattoo

Spidey Butterfly Tattoo

Eccentric Butterfly Tattoo

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Small Dragon Tattoos - Stop Using the Old School Approach

You know what? I'm sick of scouring the net just to find a few decent looking small dragon tattoos. There's a sea of drab looking designs on the internet and they all look identical to me. Because of this painful experience, I decided to seek alternate routes for finding uncommon designs.
Small Dragon TattoosIf you've been searching for small dragon tattoos via typical search engines like Google or Yahoo, then you don't know what you're missing! Stop looking for tattoo art like the vast majority of people on this planet; otherwise, you'll wind up inking your skin with designs that are similar to the vast majority of people on this planet! You want top-notch uniqueness? Check out the tips below:
• Search for tattoo ideas by browsing through fantasy art books or websites. A few favorite artists of mine are Steven A Roberts, Frank Frazetta and the dynamic couple, Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell.
• Since you want small dragon tattoos, I urge you to practice simplicity due to the fact that tooting up a small design with all kinds of details would make your tattoo look cheesy. Also note that the aging process of a tattoo means that the small ink on your skin will muss up terribly in say, 4 to 5 years time. If you insist on adding more intricate details, then go for a medium or large size tattoo.
• Browse through membership-based tattoo art galleries. This is my favorite way of finding loads of wicked looking small dragon tattoos. Every time I browse through my favorite gallery, my head is constantly pelted with so many tattoo ideas, what with all the unique and constant artwork updates, image uploading feature so I can get valuable feedback from fellow members, the two-in-one tattoo combination feature, video vault, etc.
So what are you waiting for? Start looking for design ideas by scouring works of fantasy artists or membership tattoo sites, opt for simplicity and most of all stop, searching for tattoo ideas the old school way.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Grandest Piece of Art is the Full Back Tattoo

Pheonix Tattoo I think that the king of tattoos is the full back tattoo. There, I said it, full back tattoos are probably one of the most definite and complete way exhibit your body art. But after you have a few smaller tattoos done on the other parts of your body first.
Some folks go the full Monty so to speak and actually go with the full back tattoo for their very first tattoo. It is a very bold choice but not for everyone! However, I must caution, a tattoo that covers the entire back from neck and shoulders all the way down to the waist can be very attractive. But you should do your homework!
And by homework, I mean you need to choose wisely the pattern and design of your tattoo as well as choosing the artist to draw the tattoo on your back. Cut corners and you are going to be very sorry for the rest of your life because a full back tattoo isn't going to be easy or cheap to take off if you regret it.
So obviously, for a full back tattoo that isn't going to be as easy to hide or ignore as a smaller tattoo can be, it is very important that you are aware of these steps before getting one. And that is, make the time to carefully plan it out. Don't feel rushed because it may curtail your creativity. And definitely talk it over, several times if needed with your tattoo artist to make sure everything is within your specifications and the quality of the work isn't going to be substandard.
Case in point, recently a Belgian teenager girl fell asleep after asking for 3 star tattoos to be done on her face. She ended up with 56 tattoos! She blamed a language mix up and she now reportedly faces a huge bill to remove those tattoos. Now I don't know if this whole story is true because quite frankly, it does stretch incredulity. How can someone fall asleep when having tattoos put on her face? But hey, it is a story and it has a lesson attached to it. Be careful because you may end up with something you don't want!
So back to the full back tattoo. It is a large job and may take several hours depending on the coloring involved and the patterns. Usually the tattoo artist wants to trace out an outlined of the tattoo and perhaps start off with some shading and colors. And then ask you to come back after number of days to let your skin heal a bit. And then continue to work on your tattoo. Just filling in and shading some more until the complete tattoo canvas is revealed.
cross tattooSo let's sum everything up for anyone that is interested in getting their whole back tattooed. You should consider these things BEFORE going for it:
Understand that tattoos are usually expensive. And you shouldn't cut corners by getting a cheap tattoo artist that doesn't do a good job. Small tattoos can be expensive so the larger full back tattoos are going to be very expensive because they are bigger and more complex requiring more time to do the job right.
So feel that you need to have the most expensive tattoo artist either. Find one that is pretty good and you may be pleasantly surprised that he or she will charge a reasonable price.
Everyone has different levels of pain tolerance. So be sure you are up for hours and hours of tattoo work on your back. Backs are pretty sensitive areas. So for some of you, you may want to reconsider it if you cannot take a lot of pain and discomfort.
There are a lot of ways to design your tattoo. It can be a flash, a drawing, or one large image. So take your time to discover the tattoo design that you would love to have on your back. Because like I said before, the large back tattoos are usually forever because it can be too painful and expensive to remove it if you don't like it later on.
This is a pretty important piece of advice. Make sure you are comfortable with your tattoo artist. They are going to be spending a lot of time with you and you are going to have to really trust them to do a good job for you as well use clean instruments too.
Dragon TattooAnd just because you are done getting the full back tattoo doesn't necessarily mean the pain and discomfort stops there. There is a period of time for the healing. Especially if you have to make several appointments.
So there you go. If you do your homework, a full back tattoos can be a wonderful source of pride for you. You need to put in the time and energy to plan everything so there are no surprises like waking up with 56 tattoos on your face! And make sure that it is the tattoo that you really want and would love seeing on you every single time you see it.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Beautiful Zodiac Tattoos

Nice Tattoos.....
Scorpion Zodiac tattoo Great Tattoos
Zodiac tattoo Beautiful Tattoo!!!!
Latter tattoo Cool Tattoos.......
Sexy Later Tattoo Fenomenom Tattoos...............

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chopper Tattoo - A Quick Review

You have made a decision that right now will be the greatest time of any to get your first tattoo ever. All that is left is for you to decide on the image to be forever inked into your skin. There are websites that offer tattoo designs, but it's usually such a hassle that you spend more time looking for ideas than finding the ones you really like. Now you can stop searching - there is a site called Chopper Tattoo that offers you the largest tattoo selection on the net in their database of thousands of tattoo designs.
It has been made easier now with Chopper Tattoo There so many designs that you can chose from, placed into different categories so you can save yourself a lot of valuable time. There are so many different tattoos you can choose from in a wide variety of shapes, colors, animals, words, etc. When you browse Chopper Tattoo sky is the limit. You can browse by colors also. So if you are looking for a certain color tattoo just click on the category for that color.
Chopper tattoo doesn't ask for charges to be paid to print your own design though many tattoo sites asks for the same You decide what you want and even how big you want your tattoo to be. Print it out, take it to your local tattoo artist and the rest is done for you. To come to the point, if you want a high quality tattoo without any additional costs, then you should definitely go to Chopper Tattoo We will always have something for each person that enters the door because Chopper Tattoo is consistently adding more designs to choose from.
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